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Mental Health First Aid

What is Mental Health First Aid?


Mental Health First Aid is a course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis.


Who We’ve Reached

More than 4 million people across the United States have been trained in Mental Health First Aid by a dedicated base of more than 15,000 Instructors.

Mental Health First Aid Matters

Most of us would know how to help if we saw someone having a heart attack — we’d start CPR, or at the very least call 911. But too few of us would know how to respond if we saw someone having a panic attack or if we were concerned that a friend or coworker might be showing signs of alcohol use disorder.


Mental Health First Aid takes the fear and hesitation out of starting these conversations by improving understanding and providing an action plan that teaches people to safely and responsibly identify and address a potential mental health or substance use challenge.


When more people are equipped with the tools to start a dialogue, more people can get the help they need. Mental Health First Aiders are a vital link, connecting those experiencing a mental health or substance use challenge with appropriate support.


Mental Health & Public Safety​

Public safety professionals and construction professionals encounter high levels of stress, trauma and critical incidents. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) for pulbis safety gives personnel the skills they need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use challenge and help connect them to the appropriate care. This training promotes open dialogue, reduce stigma and encouraged public safety professionals to seek support when needed. 



What to know about the Mental Health First Aid Certification Course

Our instructors have successfully completed the instructor training required by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and have achieved the Mental Health First Aid Certified Instructor status. Our team of MHFA certified instructors have effectively delivered over 50 hours of Mental Health First Aid instruction and achieved excellent ratings in the MHFA sponsored course evaluations. Becoming certified in Adult Mental Health First Aid requires fidelity to the course requirements as outlined by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing.

Our team provides the following:


  • Virtual or in-person MHFA Certification.

  • Timely course set-up and administration of participant sign-ups, course pre-work, live remote sessions, and post course requirements and certification documentation.

  • Clear and concise communication and support for participants throughout the training process.

  • Ongoing support for your certified Mental Health First Aiders provided by our onsite MHFA certified

  • Direction and assistance with required independent course pre-work and post-work.

  • A safe, collaborative, and enjoyable learning environment.

  •  6 hours of live remote training and facilitated discussion and practice on MHFA evidenced-based content.


Upon completion of this course, individuals will be certified in Adult Mental Health First Aid. The certification is valid for three years.




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