Natural Healing Therapies

LifeSalt™by Shawn
Authentic Reiki Charged Himalayan Salt
Balancing and Restoring Your Life Force
Life Salt™ combines Earth's pure Himalayan Salt pieces with Universal Reiki Energy. This synergy creates a high vibrational frequency that enhances healing, relaxation and well-being.
Essential Oils were mankind's first medicine and one of the great untapped resources of the world. Essential Oils are the volatile liquids that are distilled from plants including their respective parts such as seeds, bark, leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruit, and etc. Modern scientific research has proven that essential oils are potent, with remarkable medicinal properties. Unlike chemical drugs, essential oils support the immune system and do not remain in the body.
What Benefits do Pure, Therapeutic- Grade Essential Oils Provide?
Essential Oils embody the regenerating, oxygenating and immune-strengthening properties of plants.
Essential quickly penetrates the skin
Essential Oils are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants create an unfriendly environment for free radicals. Antioxidants prevent all mutations, work as free radical scavengers, prevent fungus, and prevent oxidation in the cells.
Essential Oils are antibacterial, anti cancerous, anti-fungal, anti-infectious, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, anti-parasitic, antiviral and antiseptic. Essential Oils have been shown to destroy all tested bacteria and viruses, while simultaneously restoring balance to the body.
Essential Oils help promote emotional, physical and spiritual healing
Essential Oils have a bioelectrical frequency that is several times greater than the frequency of herbs, food, and even the human body. Clinical research has shown that essential oils can quickly raise the frequency of the human body, restoring it to its normal, healthy level.
Above from "Reference Guide for Essential Oils- by Connie & Alan Higley"
WNY Life Coaching Center offers essential oil educational classes. Currently, we are teaching classes through Williamsville & Orchard Park Community Education. We offer private classes and home parties. Our intention is to promote & encourage holistic health and natural healing.
Himalayan Salt Lamps
Known as “Vitamins of The Air”, the Salt Crystal lamp is Nature’s best Ionizer which provides multiple health benefits including enhancing immunity, improving sleep and relieving migraines. These lamps are highly beneficial to your health and well-being. Salt crystal lamps have many advantages in many aspects, including improving the general atmosphere of a room. The salt crystal lamp acts as an ionizer by binding negative ions with excess positive ions (Unhealthy EMF from electronics). When the lamp becomes warm, it absorbs moisture and the crystal will be damp on the surface. This builds up the ion field. Through the lamp, the positively charged atmosphere of a room can be neutralized. In addition to this, the colors of the salt crystal stones have a healing effect.
Many people swear by the Salt Crystal’s healing ability, claiming relief from the common cold, the curing of skin problems, mental health disorders, respiratory illness, headaches, migraines and much more. These authentic Himalayan salt lamps are the most exquisite and naturally pure lights now made.
Himalayan salt lamps emit negative Ions to their surroundings. Negative ions kill bacteria, purify the air, reduce radiation, increase well-being & soothe the mind, body & soul. Negative ions are found naturally in nature, before Thunder Storms, at Waterfalls, and wherever Nature is most pure.
Himalayan Salt Lamps – Why Should We Use Them?
They counter ELECTRIC SMOG.
The harmful effects of electric smog result in the deterioration of the condition of air which then negatively affects our physical and emotional state.
Sources of harmful positive ions are:
Computer Monitors
Vacuum cleaners
TV sets
Microwave ovens
Electric heaters
Tobacco smoke
Bioenergotherapists and homeopaths in Western Europe have recommended crystal salt lamps for a long time to support treatment of allergies, respiratory and blood systems and rheumatism. Because of their color they are also used in color therapy i.e. chromotherapy their soothing light helps neurotic persons and people suffering from insomnia.
Places to Use:
At the office
By your computer- Check out our USB Computer Salt Lamps
During massage and meditation.
In smokey places.
In your study.
In children’s bedroom- Perfect Night Light!
Anywhere you want the air quality to be improved or preserved.
Anywhere you want to create a calm and relaxing environment.
Anywhere you want to enjoy the beauty of salt crystal lamps.
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